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In Sickness As In Health: The Blog A place for couples dealing with illness to find resources and advice, hear stories, and discover support. Whether the illness is chronic or acute, the result of disease or accident, couples can learn strategies for coping with the changes illness brings into our relationships and our worlds.
Roanne Weisman Roanne's primary book website on which you can find her books on science, medicine, and health care.
Radio MD Christopher Springmann, host of the radio show Life Love & Health, interviewed Barbara in this ten minute segment about how our book can serve as a guide for helping couples who are dealing with a serious health condition.
Op Ed in the Chicago Tribune September 23, 2011 A reply by Barbara and Roanne to Pat Robertson's assertion that divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer's is justified because she is "gone."
National Institutes of Health U.S. government website with information about health topics and conditions, clinical trials, and research projects.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine U. S. government website with information and research data about complementary and alternative methods for treating health conditions.